
Troubleshooting regional subscriptions

Thank you for signing up to receive the regional editions of Outbreak Outlook! If you are having trouble, begin with these FAQs. If you are still stuck, email me at .

If you did not get an email

If you were expecting a regional edition of Outbreak Outlook but did not receive it in your inbox:

  1. You can still access today’s edition by visiting the Newsletters section of my Substack.
  2. To ensure you receive next week’s edition in your inbox, visit caitlinrivers.substack.com/account and check the toggles under the Notifications section.
  3. If your toggles are correctly set, check your spam folder.

If your email was paywalled

  1. Verify that you signed up for a paid subscription. You should have received a receipt from Stripe.
  2. Check that the email address matches what you signed up for in Substack. Sometimes people subscribe through e.g., both personal and work email accounts, and only one is paid.
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